
I Need Your Help!

I have recently started a new full time job and finding the time to update this blog, in addition to my freelance writing on Miss A and looking after two young kids is becoming more of a challenge each day. 

As time is precious I would love to hear what YOU the reader think about The Marin Scoop and want to see more of!

I would really appreciate your feedback by answering the following questions or other ideas related to content and style:

What topics would you like to see more of?

What topics would you like to see less off?

Would you like to keep updated on facilities and family friendly events happening around the Bay Area?

Is there anything new you want to see on this blog?

Please put your answers in the comments box below this post, Tweet Me, or comment on Facebook

Sometimes it is good to step back and listen to those of you who following this blog and understand the reasons why you follow it.

Thank you for your help and for supporting The Marin Scoop! 

Sophie Davies 

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